New Places to Buy!
I just picked up two new stores that you can buy my artwork from. The first is in Capitol Hill, Seattle at Atlas Dream World Clothing - 206.3230960 1515 Broadway, Seattle WA 98122
atlas dream world. It is a really cool store that has been around for a really long time . I'm super stoked they liked my stuff enough to want to carry it. Check them out, I'm sure you will find a million awesome things there. The second place is in Austin Texas at the Lamar Whole Foods Market - 512.476.1206 - 525 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78703 - My product will hit there Whole Body Department in about two weeks. Just in time before Stitch Craft show.
I recently was asked to give a lecture regarding "Why Go Green? Making the Business Case for Sustainable Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Brands." This will be at the Date: Thursday, October 25, 2007. Time: 6:30p-8:30p (out by 9p). Location: One Earth, One Design retail store 14300 Greenwood Ave. N, Suite A Seattle, WA 98133. It is going to be super fun, but I'm a little nervous about it.
This is a huge deal for me. As you know I do everything I can to be as green as possible when it comes to my business. My whole about page is chuck full of my production process and other green efforts. My next step which is already in the process is moving over to organic apparel. This is extremely important for all of us in regards to our planet's health and well being. All my older apparel is being phased out and replaced. You will notice a lot of change out on my product line in the months to come.
I have a ton of new artwork, apparel choices and much, much more. Check out the pictures below for radical details.

Addison Art Project - Volume 2:
Another year of some rad illustrations, another volume. I just sent my next book to the printer. I'm self publishing this collection of my artwork. If you are a fan, this is a must have. With the holidays around the corner it would make a perfect gift. You can pre-order from my website.

Partybots Winter Tour - 2007:
Wow, I have a lot of dates planned for events and shows I'm doing during November and December. It is pretty much like I'm going on tour. Here is a list of rad shows and places I will be for the next two months. Feel free to come on down and say "hello!"
Stitch Austin - Saturday, November 10th - 4pm to 9:30pm
500 E Cesar Chavez St / 78701/ exhibit hall one
I Heart Indie Holidays - Saturday, November 24th - 11am to 6pm
Seattle Center Pavilion
I Heart Indie Holidays - Sunday December 2nd - Noon to 5pm
Portland's Wonder Ballroom
Urban Craft Uprising - Saturday December 1st & Sunday December 2nd - 11am to 5pm
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
Swank - Saturday December 15th - Time TBA
Highland Community Center, Bellevue Washington
Swank - Saturday December 8th - Time TBA
Magnusson Park, Seattle Washington
Crafy Wonderland Holiday Sale - Sunday December 16th - Time TBA
Norse Hall, Portland Oregon
Fremont Market - Most every sunday - 10am to 4pm
34th Street between Phinney Ave & Evanston, Seattle Washtington
Thanks a lot for hanging in there and reading all of this. Talk to you all soon!
- karl addison