There has been a lot going on in the Partybot world. There are some super sweet color choices, tons of new artwork, Buy Two Get One Free promotion, event updates and wacky facts! Super
Sweet Color Choices:
I decided to change it up a little on my site. For all the new designs and some of the old artwork that I brought back you will have several choices of shirt color! Right now you can pick from three totally awesome, totally rad color. Green, Cranberry and Asphalt. How can I do all of this? Simple... magic! So go forth, and choose your color destiny. Tons of New
Yes that is correct, tons of new artwork has been posted. In addition to the new artwork some of the greats have been brought back from the grave. In total there are 14, 4 totally new designs and 10 classics. For the new artwork you have "Sharks Wearing Jean Jackets," "Ray Kroc," "Cylcops Bear" and a "Cyclops Rhino." For the older shirts you have "Dance N' Bananas," "Hurt Bot," "Merkin," "Metal!!!!," "Mustache," "Narrrr-Bot," "Nun-Ped," "Party-Bots," "Rock-A-Phone" and "Rubra." Moving forward I will be posting each shirt with their artwork and talking about it more in-depth. It will be a lot of fun and very interesting to read.
I’m doing my BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE promotion again. Here is the scoop on it. Buy any two shirts and get the third one free.
How To Do It: Put all three shirts in your cart, when you get to Payment Information, in to the Enter Redeem Code field type in: “free.” Click on the continue button to finish up and you will get three awesome shirts in the mail!
Thread Tradeshow:
I had a lot of fun at this tradeshow and was glad that it was open to the public. I always enjoy talking with people in person and sharing my artwork with all of you.
Wacky Fact:
I have the amazing ablity to count to ten in ten seconds or less.
thanks again for everyones support. Hope you enjoy my newer work. Talk to you soon!

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