While I was in Los Angeles two weekends ago I had a little time to drop in to three of my stores in the area. Let me tell you, all three were awesome to visit. The first store I visited was Menemsha on Ventura Blvd. The girls in this store were so sweet and nice. I'm super glad they found me and wanted to order my eco-friendly apparel line. The second store I went to was Eden's Green Closet. Emily is the owner of this childeren's eco-friendly boutique. She was mega sweet and had a great set-up of apparel. Both new and re-used, recycled. The last store I made my way in to was Neighborhood on Abbot Kinney Blvd. Joshua is the owner/manager of this store and it was very nice to meet him. Great little store with lots of great apparel. Glad to be a part of their inventory.
If you live in Los Angeles you should go check out these stores. You will not be disappointed.
Eden's Green Closet - 310.450.2345 - 1423 Aboot Kinney Blvd. Venice, Ca 90291 -
edensgreencloset.comMenemsha - 818.505.8900 - 12524 Ventura Blvd, Studio City CA 91604 -
menemshastyle.comNeighborhood - 310.392.4596 - 1644 Abbot Kinney Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 -

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