Monday, May 25, 2009

Addison Art Project - 2008: Book Cover

I'm nearly done with my book: Addison Art Project - 2008. Here is the cover artwork for it; it has gone through a lot of changes over the past 5-6 months since I started working on this. This book is going to be self published until I can shop it around for a publisher that I would like to print and carry this book.

I have done this every year for the past three years. In the past these have been smaller, zine like and super DIY. This year, I have so many drawings I wanted to do a full on perfect bound book and have a release party for it. I'm currently working on the release party location & date. But trust me, it will be awesome. I'm proud to say this book will have a bit more then just my drawings. There is some very personal writing in it, along with BLOG entries, write-ups and other various sources. The chapters are broken up in to months. A lot of cropping is used.

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