Hope everyone had a good weekend.
If you are anything like me, you realize it is going to be Monday very soon and you get kinda sad. But then you remember that means that Craft Night is just around the corner!
Well, this week Karl and I are hosting over here in West Seattle. It will be our first time hosting and we are looking forward to having everyone come over.
Our address is:
4433 44th Ave SW Unit A
Seattle, Wa 98116
The address gets kinda dim at night, due to lack of light, so if you need any information when you are in the neighborhood give Karl or I a call.
Brad = (805) 551-7514
Karl = (206) 271-2069
I think Craft Nights usually start around 7, but if you feel like showing up earlier that is absolutely fine.
The Alaska Junction Bus Stop is two blocks south of us. So you bus folk need not worry.
If anyone has any questions please let us know. By phone or email.
Hope to see you Wednesday.
- Brad & Karl

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