Hello everyone,
Wow, I don't even know where to start. There is a ton going on right now. I have a TON of new artwork, a new BLOG (which I'm using right now), a sale going on and much, much more. I guess I will dive right in!
Don’t forget, my artwork is PERFECT for gifts this holiday season!
New Artwork: I have three new designs that have been posted in the last week or so. I'm totally in love with all three of them, and everything they are printed on. There is the new Intestants artwork which is intestines with ants running around inside. This has been printed on a girl t shirt, guy t shirt, tote bags & limited edition poster. The next artwork is The Magnificent Robot Wizard. It’s a three color print job that is amazing. There is a GOLD ink used for it. So if you want a bling, bling robot wizard this is your choice to be. This artwork has been printed on a girl t shirt, guy t shirt & tote bags. The last artwork that just got released is my Sasquatch drawing. Everyone should love big foot, and if you don’t you are a “hater.” Sasquatch has been printed on hoodies to keep you warm during the winter months, tote bags & limited edition posters.
BLOG: A new section and edition to my site is my BLOG. I’m very excited to have this so I can have daily or bi-daily updates. Anyone that wants to can come check out what is going on or what I’m working on. This way I don’t have to send out daily emails and bother everyone’s email account. So, if you are totally in to what I do please sign up on my BLOG to be notified of new posts. Don’t forget that you can write comments as well.
SALE: I have a holiday SALE going on right now. If you order two t shirts you will be able to get 20% your total order! When you are checking out make sure to enter “holidayspecial.” This is perfect for the season, for the holiday season and gift giving.
Noamkin Comic: This amazing project of mine has been going a little bit slower then I wanted it to. I have 75% of all my artwork scanned in. All I need to do now is start putting the pages together then publish it. I decided last night that I’m going to make a downloadable version of this comic book. So you will have the choice to either get the e-comic or the real thing! Technology is amazing!
Contest Winner: The winner for November 06 is Shirley Y, congratulations! (don’t forget you can sign-up for my free contest every month for a new chance to win.)
Without further a due, here are some pictures of my latest artwork. Thanks for taking the time to read this super long news letter.
- karl addison