Well here is the artwork, feel free to comment on what colors you think might be cool.

This BLOG is done by me, Karl Addison from Partybots.org. On here you will get a chance to read about the daily things I do, plus get exposed first hand to my creative process regarding my artwork. Read and Enjoy!
Gandalf here is ready to fight the forces of evil. That's evil pronounced E-VILE. You know why? He's got freakin' robot guts inside his robes conjuring up those lightning bolts. Yeah,that's right. It's science. Look it up. You wanna be able to conjure bolts of lightning and sweet-ass light rays from your claw hands? Buy this mutha and start zapping your neighbor's dogs/cats/children. Gandalf says you're cool if you do.
Chad.... sir... you just made my day. LOL, that shit was awesome to read about.
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